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The Wentzville Fire Protection District’s Permits

Types Of Permits You Can Obtain Through the Wentzville Fire Protection Department

Types Of Permits You Can Obtain Through the Wentzville Fire Protection Department
Open Burning Commercial
Occupancy PermitsFirework
Stands & Firework Displays-excluding consumer-grade fireworks (information inspectors will observe State Requirements)
Additional Firework Stand Information
Residential buildings which have three or more units
All Commercial buildings and additions
Kitchen hood and suppression systems
Sprinkler Systems - This does not include one and two-family dwellings.
Fire Main/Fire Alarm
Special Amusement Buildings
Carnivals and Fairs
Exhibits and Trade Shows
Construction Blasting
Storage of Blasting Agent
Site Plan Review
Temporary Membrane Structure
Tents & Canopies
Installation of Security Gates (Mutual Aid Knox Box Required)

Construction/Operational Permit
If you are seeking a permit for construction, all commercial and multi-family buildings must require a permit before construction. Once building permit applications are completed, an electronic version must be sent to:
No work may begin before the inspection and permitting issuance. To schedule an inspection, please contact WFPD headquarters at 636-332-9869.
All inspections must be scheduled 24 hours in advance. Inspections will not be scheduled by the Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector in the field or via their cell phones. Call the office to schedule any inspections with an Administrative Assistant.
All plans must be sealed. The applicant will be notified when permits are approved. CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD accepted. A 2.5% credit card fee will be applied to the balance if using a debit/credit card.
A Knox Box is required on your building if your building has a fire alarm or sprinkler system. Use the 4400 series. It needs to be placed at approximately 5 feet high.
The Wentzville FPD is the default district from which to purchase a Knox Box unless Fire Marshal specified. If returned plans specify mutual aid, contact St. Charles County.

Additional Information
To update emergency contacts, please email information to:
All questions regarding permits and the Fire Prevention Bureau may be directed to Chris Cuddihee, Fire Marshal, at 636-332-9869 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or by email at:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the current codes being enforced?
2021 ICC Building Code with amendments
2021 ICC Fire Prevention Code with amendments
There are amendments to the codes listed above, and local ordinances dealing with fire hydrants, hazardous materials, street sizes, and other fire-related codes are available by contacting us.
How many plans are required to be submitted along with the application?
Submit all plans via email to
Commercial -1 set electronically.
Multi-Family-1 set and a plot plan electronically.
Are they required to be signed or sealed, and by whom?
Commercial Plans & Sprinkler Plans must be signed and sealed by a Missouri Registered Design Professional (a Registered Architect or Professional Engineer).

What is a hazardous material?
A hazardous material is any item or agent (biological, chemical, or physical) that can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors.
What type of fire extinguisher is best for my home?
A multi-purpose fire extinguisher is best for the home. Look for the rating 2A;10B:C on the label. This extinguisher can be used on any type of fire commonly found in the home. It will often be labeled A-B-C and may be located at many retail establishments.

Are numbers required on residential homes?
Yes, all homes and businesses need to have the address number displayed on the front, in a position easily seen and readable from the road. All homes' address numbers need to be at least four (4) inches high and one half (1/2) inch wide stroke, and commercial numbers need to be at least 6 inches in contrasting colors to the background to which they are mounted.
Why do I call 911? Can't I call the fire station direct to save time?
The 911 center is staffed 24/7. Fire station personnel may be on an emergency scene and might not receive your call. Call 911 Directly.
How do I get a copy of an incident report?​
To obtain an incident report, send an email to with the date of the incident, the location of the incident, and why you are requesting the report.
Where should Carbon Monoxide Detectors be placed?
Carbon monoxide detectors should be placed within 40 feet of all sleeping areas and on every level of your home.

Do you have a question that were not answered?
Please reach out to us via phone: 636-332-9869, or click to send us a message!
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